
Jessie McCarty

When I gave a presentation about the Shreveport Oakland Cemetery's Yellow Fever mound of 1873 at a Southern lesbian and gay festival, I was surprised no one was, like, super excited. This is raw material, I was thinking. Over 700 bodies piled on top of each other to make space for the fuckin, idk, priesthood of catholic heroes for that year's mini plague. I'm being sarcastic. In the early 1900s, the local Shreveport government lifted all the Black and Jewish American graves near the edge of the cemetery to make room for a road. To find out where they had been moved, I had to email the downtown library, to see if they had any civil records of who originally paid for the diggers. Was it the city? Was it the cemetery? None of the librarians quite knew what I was asking.

sometimes when i am kissing he pulls me by my medical tag

Jessie McCarty

Because the hip joint is structurally complex too deeply buried to access in physical examination, hip pain remains still a difficult issue. Additionally! The recent development of the concept of the diagnostic approach less attention has not been established yet in young adults without childhood hip disorders to determine a prevalent osteoarthritis (OA).

Having chronic muscle issues since I stopped soccer suffer and I do (“suffer”) from bouts of fainting then exacerbate which then when my, and it, my muscle the hip it does, start to, pop! Every night. I love to be sooo unique & to be sooo interesting anyway, get serious: about yoga mat about hot shower. But what really will it do? Anyway! And I faint something a little bit with blood hypertension yet I don’t really know since doctor has expenses and pain still expands.


Jessie McCarty is a writer and cataloger in Chicago.
